About MissionB

We are creating a different kind of company and practice aligned around our shared Ultimate Intent—Creating New Worlds and Inspiring People Everywhere.

As keen observers of the marketplace and of humanity, we see the challenge of bringing the possibility and opportunity of a team and company aligning itself to it’s created vision to be the kind of challenge that has a significant and life altering impact on all people who work there, the business itself, the world of business and how it is practiced and ultimately society.

Our core belief is that businesses have a unique and extraordinary opportunity to provide leadership and the elevation of how the world works—not only in the products and services that they offer, but also in the way that capitalism is practiced.

We have the intention to bring forth, pollinate and establish a New Philosophy of Business. A Philosophy that allows for extraordinary accomplishment, real entrepreneurship and the building of wealth while at the same time connecting people with their most fundamental life goals and heart-centered commitments.

Eric Nielsen

The first 20+ years of my career were sort of on auto-pilot, first spending what felt like a lifetime at American Express rising up the corporate ladder, then moving to the west coast to hold senior leadership positions at Google and T-Mobile, while taking some risks with a few early stage companies that never made it.

As time wore on, circumstances in the world changed radically. New solicitations for being and contributing in this world called me. At the same time I suffered some major setbacks and difficulties in workplaces I considered toxic, yet had to look at myself as the common denominator in the situations I was in and likely the prime creator and contributor to it. What I discovered was significant early life trauma, the effects of which I was entirely blind to. I found deep emotional and spiritual disconnection, and cognitive dissonance lay at the core of my ongoing stress and final burnout in 2018.

Fortunately through the grace of the mystery of life, the past 5 years have taken me on a personal journey to discover the depths of healing, transformation, and realignment necessary to create a life of fulfillment, not simply success in terms of money and status. MissionB is a significant contribution to the world, and at the same time an ongoing practice and developmental space for ourselves and our clients.

I’m committed to introducing a new philosophy of business grounded in Love – the profound care and concern for an Other – thereby fundamentally altering or entirely reimagining myopically profit-centric approaches to designing and operating businesses. Love is what creates resonance and vitality among human beings and is biologically necessary for mammalian survival and prosocial engagement in the world. Love is what drives the highest levels of extraordinary performance in any human domain because it is the source of and pre-condition for Inspiration.

I founded MissionB with Richard and Jeff to bring deep, rigorous, and practical existential inquiry to disrupt the common and unconsidered “way it is” in the world of business. We’re consistently seeing how engaging in certain deeply human questions together dramatically shifts our connection to our work, our relationships with others, our interpretations of the past and orientations to the future, and how we engage in the myriad present moment challenges we encounter on the road to achieving goals and fulfilling our ultimate purpose.

It’s an honor to be working with this collective, and with the many incredible people and companies who are on the path to Living True to who they truly are, and to creating New Worlds together.

Jeff Willmore

I have led transformational programs for over 23 years to over 160,000 people all over the world. I’ve worked with Olympic and professional athletes, Navy Seal and Special Forces members, top executives from all fields, Oscar winning actors, Grammy Award winning musicians – I’ve trained with the best and worked with the best! I owe much of my development, abilities and skills to the extensive training and development I got in transformational methodologies at Landmark Worldwide – very likely the top, personal transformational coaching faculty in the world.

I was lucky enough to be born into a life where I was destined to live a life where I had a fair amount of success and achievement (close family, college degree, successful entrepreneur and getting “more” successful, etc.) and yet I fell into the trap that the “Time = Money” worldview and illusion creates for all of us: I worked too much. I sacrificed many things that were important to me and the life I envisioned for myself and my family. I had an epiphany one night and woke up and realized how much I was sacrificing in order to have “success” in my career.

In my own transformative process and journey, I discovered for myself great achievement and accomplishment and how to help others attain it as well. Not just in one area – but in a life. I know how to teach and coach others to accomplish their professional dreams, their vision, their business goals while at the same time really living – travel, building wealth, family-time, taking care of your health, and living a life of contribution.

I help extraordinary people who are already performers or top performers leap to the next level and fulfill their vision by learning to see themselves, the marketplace and the world differently.

I have worked on the principles behind The Entrepreneurship, Accomplishment & Autonomy Course for over 10 years. I designed the Course using the latest research in cognitive science (How do we know what we know? How do we learn?), behavioral economics, ontology and biology. The unique structure and methodology deliberately steps away from the “tips and techniques” kind of business knowledge that betrays top performance and living true and instead, allows you to embody the advanced knowledge of a market leader and allows you to design leading edge practices based on your own original thinking.

Todd Lash

I am an experienced technology inventor, entrepreneur, and angel investor with 25+ years’ experience designing and delivering digital platform solutions in the fields of publishing, healthcare, banking, television, ecommerce, email, and interactive marketing.

As co-founder and CEO of Simo Software, Inc., acquired by Revolution LLC, I helped families manage personal health records and expenses and find reimbursement opportunities from medical insurance companies. I created and headed the digital marketing department at SVB/Silicon Valley Bank, and have held executive marketing and product management positions at Revolution, AOL, Action Technologies, RespondTV, O’Reilly, GetActive Software, and social network Goodcompany.com.

As a co-founder and SVP Marketing and Strategic Alliances at RespondTV, I launched the first Internet based interactive TV commerce application on broadcast TV, established alliances with Microsoft, Liberate Technologies, and OpenTV, and won “The Killer App” the Western Cable Show. At Global Network Navigator (O’Reilly) the first web portal, I was an early pioneer in the commercialization of the Internet developing one of the first web banners and the first ecommerce marketplace. After America Online’s acquisition of GNN, I served as the first Director of Product Marketing for AOL’s Internet Division, launching the first database driven web server.

The source and common thread through these efforts was the learning experience at Action Technologies. At Action, we approached computer networks from the perspective of how we invent our futures in conversation with others; tools to help us take care of what we care about. It was there, with the teaching of Dr. Fernando Flores and others, that I learned that offers, requests, promises, and declarations are what makes our living together possible.

With a degree in Philosophy from the University of Michigan, I had planned to become an acupuncturist as I believed that Traditional Chinese Medicine was a practical application of Taoism; I was all about the practical application of philosophy. While the contingent meeting of Dr. Flores shifted my career towards the practical application of philosophy in software, I continued to study Tai Chi Chuan as the preventative component of TCM. I met my wife in that Tai Chi class and we have continued our teaching and daily practice together all these years, continuing to integrate Taoist and Buddhist principles of flow and gratitude into our work and everyday lives.

I am the author of 10+ patents. I have previously served as an Advisory Board Member of the UCSF Department of Psychiatry (Young Adult and Family Center), and on the board of East Bay School for Boys, and other industry associations.

At MissionB we work together to combine intention with new practices designed to produce and reinforce trust, the key component of successful organizations. We believe MissionB BlüPrint methodology can be a platform for continually opening up what’s possible.

Richard Condon

Richard co-founded MissionB with Jeff Willmore and Eric Nielsen as one of his culminating career projects. For over 40 years, Richard worked directly with over 200,000 people and indirectly with millions more. Richard was most committed to how any human being could be the source of creating and living the most extraordinary life, one at times that is beyond what’s imaginable and may even be considered miraculous. We are deeply grateful for Richard’s contribution in being the source of MissionB, and to what he has contributed to each of us in friendship and in partnership.

Richard’s calling is People are illuminated, and live tender-heartedly.